Praise the Lord, Abundant Life Christian Academy!
I am excited to connect with you on this groundbreaking journey that will eternally impact your life for Jesus Christ. God has a passionate heart for His children, and so do we. As the pastor, I am committed to helping your child hear and receive from God, discover what they’re called to do, and equip them to do it. Teaching and instilling the Word of God in the hearts of these children is the most valuable gift I can give to them.
These precious souls are priceless, and I desire to see godly fruit developing in their lives. Matthew 19:14 says, “but Jesus said, suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Through His Word, God has given a mandate to the church to provide settings where children can develop knowledge of Jesus Christ and receive proper instruction to establish a solid, biblical foundation. Without a solid foundation in God’s Word, our children are subject to the darkness and deception of this world.
Abundant Life Christian Academy embraces this mandate and ensures your child will develop in a godly environment where they will be fed the uncompromised Word of God and nurtured into world-changing men and women. We thank you for the privilege and honor to partner with you in spiritually preparing your children for their destinies, academically instructing them in excellence, and personally equipping them with the tools necessary to make a maximum impact on this generation. As a result of the spirit of wisdom and revelation, divine favor, and the spirit of faith upon this academy, your children and your family will never be the same.
We love you, and may God’s richest and best be yours!
Apostle Michael Whitsey